



Most people are used to electrical items in their homes working when they switch them on, without really considering how this happens and what generates the power. Many household items, including white goods are powered by a DC (direct current) motor, which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

White Goods

In a standard kitchen there is likely to be an array of DC motors powering white goods and gadgets including:

  • Dishwashers – Many dishwashers have high voltage permanent magnet DC (PMDC) motors which although small are often very powerful and power the pump on the appliance and are found to improve its efficiency.
  • Washing Machines – Washing machines need a heavy-duty DC motor to run a wash cycle, with twin tubs or spin dryers needing two motors rather than the standard one.
  • Refrigerators – The fridge has a small DC motor which operates the compressor which turns the refrigerant chemical into a liquid and keeps the appliance cold. The constant hum of the refrigerator shows that the motor is doing its job.
  • Microwaves – Even the microwave has a small motor which turns the turntable which ensures the food is evenly cooked.

Temperature Control

With temperatures increasing thanks to climate change more and more people are turning to air conditioning systems or the more low-tech electric fan to maintain an ambient temperature; both of which require a DC motor to operate.

Air conditioning units are the most effective at bringing the temperature down quickly and DC motors are used because of their high starting torque. Brushless DC electric motors (BLDC) are commonly used as they have a long life-span and require little maintenance. They are also designed to work for long periods at a time and are generally quieter than other motors.

Household items

It probably comes as no surprise that there are DC motors in appliances like vacuum cleaners and other floor care equipment which often use PMDC motors. We have extensive experience providing high-quality motors for such appliances although they are generally used in industrial applications they are ideal for floor care because they are small and cost-effective.

However, there are lots of other household items which perform less rigorous tasks but still require a DC motor, such as:

  • Children’s Toys – Kid’s toys are high-use items, get thrown around, trodden on and chewed and therefore they need to include motors that are rugged and extremely durable. It is unlikely that a children’s toy will get repaired so the motor needs a long life.

Depending on the toy, they can be powered by either a brushed or a BLDC and have a variety of voltages. Some toys, like remote control cars or train sets have different speed and movement settings and therefore the motor needs to be able to deal with these.

  • Electric Toothbrushes – Many electric toothbrushes oscillate at between 1,300 and 8,800 strokes per minute for your standard brush or 24,000-40,000 per minute for a sonic toothbrush. Both types require a DC motor in order for the head to oscillate back and forth or in a circular motion.

The DC motor is extremely versatile and can power numerous appliances around a standard home, or industrial building.

Whatever your appliance we will have a motor to suit it, and if we don’t our expert team can design and build custom brushless DC motors and permanent magnet DC motors for any home application. Whatever your industry, get in touch and discuss your motor options with your local contact.